Acc > AP

Accounts Receivable
- Fully integrated with all Northstar Modules. Real-time; all the time!
- Unlimited Member Types; each with its own set of rules for dues, club access, rights, etc.
- Auto-Promotion rules based on age, tenure, and other criteria.
- Dues and Recurring Charges are billed per user-defined schedule (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually, etc.). Automatic ACH and Credit Card charging functionality.
- Locker and other rentals too!
- End of Month Wizard makes Statement generation a breeze.
- Seamless integration to NS Connect Website or ClubNow smartphone app allows members to view balance and individual invoices, make payments, and view their history of statements.
- Photo and Document Tracking and Storage.
- Powerful "high touch" targeted member communications with Northstar Campaigns, based upon member transactions, club visits, demographics, and interests.
- Members can edit their own interests (profile too) online or via the app.
- Effective, powerful tools for capturing prospective member leads and following up with them
- Visibility into the sales pipeline with each stage of the membership process mapped out; potent reporting on all aspects of Membership/Prospect changes will keep the Membership Committee happy!
- Track minimums: you and each member always know "where they stand".
Acc >> ap
Accounts Payable
- Full Bank Reconciliation
- Received Inventory flows automatically to Accounts Payable
- Recurring Invoices
- Positive Pay

Acc >> gl

General Ledger
- Full-Function Accounting, with multi-company option available.
- Powerful Financial Report Designer.
- Full Bank Reconciliation.
- Fully integrated with all Northstar Modules - in the same database.
- Powerful Dashboards, with drill-down capability.
Acc >>> frd
Financial Report Designer
- Easy to use - no Computer Science Degree required.
- Multi-Company Functionality.
- Report Publisher allows view by credential - Dept. Managers can view their Financials on demand.
- Batch Manager allows several reports to be run concurrently, and bundled.
- Report output in fully formatted Excel Spreadsheet - or screen inquiry, with drill-down from any data all the way back to source.

Acc >> Timekeeping

- New employees can be added with just a few steps, and are integrated with POS.
- Managers can view clocked-in employees on a single view.
- Managers can easily correct their employees' clock-in or clock-out.
- Create Activities (for golf, tennis lessons, etc.) and SPA employees' schedules.
- Flows directly to the Activities and Spa Modules to dictate availability. Members can book lessons, etc., on-line only when the professionals are available.
- Employees (with proper authority) can manage their own schedule of availability.
- On a single click users can generate daily, weekly and monthly reports.
- Interface to most payroll providers.